
I have enjoyed sharing my enthusiasm for plants starting at a young age, then through work as a naturalist in Pinnacles, Año Nuevo, and Yosemite, and since 1985 here at the Arboretum. Part of the satisfaction I get from work here are the successes achieved by the wonderful community of volunteers, students, and staff working towards a common goal. We work on tours, signs, the website, educational events, the library, native plants, and succulents. We raise money through plant sales and the Dried Flower and Succulent Wreath Sale.
I coordinate Arboretum research done by students and professors from UCSC and other institutions. I help TAs and professors use the garden for classes. I write grants, press releases, and for publications. My horticultural and conservation research is on natives and succulents, and my botanical research is on the genus Dudleya. I have taught UCSC courses.

Stephen McCabe
Emeritus Director of Research, Arboretum

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